Discover Dispute Management Guidelines - COVID-19 Updates
Discover Dispute Manual v 20.1 [issued April 17, 2020]
Dispute Timeframe Flexibility
If merchants are unable to respond to disputes within the timeframe, they can work with their Discover Network Account Executive with a list of impacted dispute cases. Discover has pledged to review these on a case by case basis.
Merchant and Acquiring Partners Updates
Acquirers and merchants are encouraged to work together with their customers to provide refunds, alternate accommodations, and/or vouchers for rescheduled events due to coronavirus restrictions.
For the foreseeable future, acquirers and merchants are encouraged to stop charging ‘no show’ fees for cardholders in impacted areas, and to work with their customers to find a resolution.
As applicable, merchants are encouraged to communicate with their customers and work together
regarding potential delays or extensions of goods or services.
Issuing Partners Updates
Issuers should advise cardholder to work with the merchant before initiating a dispute.
Issuers should review the cardholder accounts for any credits or refunds that may have been applied by the merchant before initiating the dispute.
Because the merchants responses may be delayed request Ticket Retrievals only when necessary
For goods or services being rendered outside of the promised timeframe or by the timeframe set by operating regulations, issuers are encouraged to review these scenarios holistically and guide their cardholders to a resolution outside of the dispute process.
Accommodating All Partners
Discover has reiterated that, “Although the Discover Global Network Dispute team is working diligently to accommodate all partners during this unsettling time, it is a strong recommendation that Discover Global Network clients work together to resolve disputes outside of the standardized dispute process. Unless otherwise communicated, the current provisions documented in the 19.2 release of the Dispute Rules Manual still govern.”